Sunday, May 24, 2020

Review Of The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Jacobs

Jose Martinez November 25, 2014 History 1301 Mr. Campano Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs, who used the pen name Linda Bren, was born a slave in Edenton, North Carolina in 1813. After spending 27 years in slavery, by composing her life into a personal narrative, Harriet Jacobs was determined to expose what slavery was and exactly what was going on in hopes that it would influence many to bring slavery to a halt. Her father Daniel Jacobs, a white slave, was a carpenter who was considered to be highly gifted and skillful. Due to his talent, he often travelled for his trade, was able to support his family, and manage his own affairs, under the condition of paying his mistress two hundred dollars a year. Unfortunately when Jacobs was six years old, her mother, Delilah, the slave of John Horniblow, passed away. Harriet and her brother William were sent to the household of her mistress, Margaret Horniblow. While living under the Horniblow household she was taught how to read, spell, and sew. Harriet also learned to love her new mistress as though she were her own mother. However, when she was twelve, her mistress passed away and willed Harriet to her sister s daughter, who at the time was five. Throughout the narrative as she confronts many adversities, Jacobs never forgets about those who aided her when she was in desperate need. Aunt Martha, Linda s grandmother constantly provides Linda with aid, guidance, and love. Aunt Martha earned her freedomShow MoreRelatedThe Life of A Slave Girl by Harriet A. Jacobs Essay1272 Words   |  6 PagesA slave narrative is to tell a slaves story and what they have been through. Six thousand former slaves from North America told about their lives during the 18th and 19th centuries. About 150 narratives were published as separate books or articles most slaves were born in the last years of the slave regime or during the Civil War. 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