Wednesday, May 13, 2020

John Lockes Theory of Knowledge Essay - 1563 Words

John Locke (1632-1704) was the first of the classical British empiricists. (Empiricists believed that all knowledge derives from experience. These philosophers were hostile to rationalistic metaphysics, particularly to its unbridled use of speculation, its grandiose claims, and its epistemology grounded in innate ideas) If Locke could account of all human knowledge without making reference to innate ideas, then his theory would be simpler, hence better, than that of Descartes. He wrote, â€Å"Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, void of all characters, without any ideas: How comes it to be furnished? To his I answer, in one word, from EXPERIENCE.† (Donald Palmer, p.165) So the mind at birth is a tabula rasa, a blank†¦show more content†¦Secondary qualities are characteristic that are often attribute to external objects, which exist only in the mind, yet are caused by real features of external objects. Secondary qualities are colors, sounds, and tastes.) This view of the mind has come to be known as REPRESENTATIVE REALISM. This mean the mind represents the external world but it does not duplicate it. The mind is something like a photograph in that there are feature of a photo that very accurately represent the world, such as a good picture of three people and that each of them has two eyes, one nose, and one mouth, and there are features of the photograph that belong exclusively to the photo (its glossiness, its two-dimensionality, the white border around its content). A real quality must be a quality of a real thing and real things are substances. Once again, given anything in the world, it is either a substance or a characteristic of a s ubstance.) So, having claimed that he could account for all knowledge purely in terms of â€Å"experience† and having arrived at the concept that had dominated philosophy for the last several generations, Locke proclaimed it a mystery and even joked about it. (LOOKING AT PHILOSOPHY- pg.165-174). HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY (pg 165-186) Locke’s most important works are the Essay Concerning Human Understanding and the Two Treatises of Government. Locke describes the development of the Essay as having been sparked by a discussion with aShow MoreRelatedJohn Lockes Theory of Knowledge Essay1878 Words   |  8 Pagestruly conscious of the phenomenalistic consequences of their theory of knowledge, which was based on empiricism. Both considered sensation as phenomenal presentations and also as representations of reality. Thus they still had something upon which to build an absolute metaphysics. With Locke gnosiological phenomenalism enters its critical phase. By considering sensations merely as subjective presentations, Locke gives us a theory of knowledge of subjective data devoid of any relation with external objectsRead MoreJohn Lockes Theory of Knowledge Essay1067 Words   |  5 Pages John Locke was an empiricist who believed that people could acquire knowledge from experience. 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