Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Death of a Salesman - Analysis Essay - 738 Words

Human emotions are something that we seldom find a way to express clearly: from simple hand gestures, to a disgusted face. To understand his novel more thoroughly, Arthur Miller uses the most understandable method of comprehension, music, to express the emotions of the characters in his play, Death of a Salesman. The characters, Willy, Linda, Biff, Happy, and Ben, have a certain style of music and instruments portraying them to show the reader what type of emotional person they are. The beginning of the play starts with a soft, sweet, flute medley that announces Willys gradual trek home from Yonkers. This slow tune of confusion ends abruptly as Willy comes home and tells of his troubles in Yonkers. This sentimental sound is†¦show more content†¦Another bit of confidence is felt when Willy is going to ask Howard for a stationary job in New York. The music that sounds troublesome in this play would have to be anything that involved the Woman. The Woman is involved in many conflicts, but mainly between Biff and Willy. When Willy is in the bathroom at the restaurant, a cheerful song begins, along side of the Womans laughter. The instant that Biff sees the Woman, the music stops, then begins once more but in a slow, droopy manner. Now the music stops after a life has been wrecked. This type of music has been foreshadowing his oncoming death by starting merry and ending abruptly in a sad way. Ben has a special type of music. Being Willys inspiration, he is portrayed by quick, lively music. His wonderful stories of his life are told in contrast to a proud tune. His song does change a bit in parts where Willy is confused or feeling low but is still lively at that. When Willy would ask Ben for advice or for a short story about their father, Ben would whip out that big grin of his, breath in, and talk away like there was no worry in the world, and to Willy, there wasnt at that period of time. The saddest song in the play though would be the teary soun d of the flute at Willys funeral. Starting out a bit cheerful, the tune fades from a major key to a minor key, hence going from a merry sound to one of sadness andShow MoreRelatedDeath Of A Salesman Analysis914 Words   |  4 PagesLies of a Salesman (Movie Analysis of Death of a Salesman produced by Robert F. Colesberry) To be dysfunctional is to not operate accordly to normal in a negative way. Death of a Salesman produced by Robert F. Colesberry is a movie based on a play Death of a salesman written by Arthur Miller. The Loman family in the movie is a dysfunctional family, which is clearly show in many scenes,The mother and the father Willy and Linda Lowman. Willy a salesman in the field for over 30 years. The have kidsRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Of A Salesman 900 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Essay In Arthur Millers â€Å"Death of a salesman† we encounter an on-going feud between salesman Willy Loman and his son Biff Loman. 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