Thursday, February 20, 2020

Attributes of an Effective Teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Attributes of an Effective Teacher - Essay Example As opposed to the traditional perception that the duty of the teacher is to "stuff" students with knowledge, I agree with the Socratic philosophy that learning should be elicited from the students. The understanding that students are imbued with the innate capability to reason and indeed the capacity to learn by the constant utilization of this rational skill should be the first attribute of an effective teacher. I believe that a teacher should recognize this innate skill of the student because it will change the approach that he uses in teaching. Ever since I started to become a private tutor, I have always believed in the capacity of the mind of the student under my tutelage. Thus, instead of just spoon-feeding them and "stuffing" them with facts and information, I tried to sharpen their ability to reason by asking questions as we go along the lessons. Instead of directly explaining forward what happens during a physical change, I challenged them by describing what happens when ice turns into water. This approach enables them to participate more in the lesson and made them better scientists. I have been using this approach ever since and I am confident that I will be remembered as the tutor who did not only passed on knowledge but draw them out of the students. In effect, I significantly enhanced the rational ability of all the students who were under my tutelage. The second trait of an effective teacher is his possession of adequate knowledge coupled with mastery of his field. This follows with the logical argument that a person can never pass on what he does not have. It should be noted that what the student learn is limited with the amount of knowledge that the teacher posses. In the maximum, he can only be as good as the teacher and this makes it imperative for a teacher to equip himself with all the knowledge in his field possible. The basic requirement for a French as a second language teacher is the fluency and mastery of the French language. Having born and grown in Algeria, French has been my mother tongue and Arabic is my second language. Thus, I am more than fluent in French and more importantly, I am very much confident in English language skills which will also enable me to teach French efficiently to English speaking students. During my travels as a flight attendant, I have used both French and English in conversing with passeng ers. A teacher's knowledge is futile without the good communication skill to impart this to his students. I believe that knowing is different from communicating what you know. There are a lot of people who are gifted with knowledge but are unable to communicate them well. Thankfully, I am blessed with both abilities. Having worked as a bilingual client representative, I am tasked to communicate with customers through all their account situations imparting my knowledge as well as the service that they deserve. This has not been easy as I know that I was not just communicating facts but is representing the company with these dealings. However, my good communication skills helped the company to address customer concerns and retain major customers. Flexibility defines the commitment, dedication, and sincerity which a teacher puts in his profession.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Currency Options and Their Role in International Trade Essay

Currency Options and Their Role in International Trade - Essay Example In order to deal with the problem of changing market prices, the trader needs to continually evaluate and analyze the functions of the market and the goals of the business enterprise (Stanley 1998). In addition, the business must be in a position to put in place new market rules and to be monitoring the trade trends and its development. In most of the world states, trade has emerged as one of the key sectors of the economy and most of her citizens depend on the trade for their source of living. The growth of the energy markets and the strategies of the energy providers have been the driving force of these trade improvements over the recent years. A number of commodities in the energy sector such as power, gas, carbon dioxide and even the weather have found their way into the trade market in societies. This has led to the improvement of the use of the scarce resources and increased complex organizations, process interfaces and the system infrastructures. The increased demand for data quality has led to most organizations to adopt the need for risk management that reduces the operational costs during the production process and the actual trading exercise (Dell’Ariccia & Marquez 2010). The international trade is finding its way in society and people have actively been involved in the same and this has led to the emergence of new market models such as market coupling are being discussed and this has made it easier for cross-border trading. On the other hand, the international trade implies that different rules and procedures must be followed and this has led to a change in the trading system that bring on board a number of challenges that require adaptation into existing risk management mechanisms. Exchange Traded Currency Options Foreign exchange traded currency options give a company or an individual the right to exchange the currency of their country into another currency of another country at pre-agreed exchange rate at a given time in the future. This i s the world’s market option although most of the currency trade is done in private and hence it is not possible to determine exactly how large the market is. This form of trade is regulated however in a minimized way and most of the transactions are over the counter. With a few exceptions that are traded on exchanges such as the International Securities Exchange, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange that has options for future contracts (Dong-Hyun & Gao 2003). In the past, the universally accepted currency option was valued by the Bank for International Settlements. For any business enterprise that wish to grow in the international market, there is the need to value the Foreign Exchange factor. Most of the organizations often do not take this risk factor into consideration during their contracts hence the delayed growth, and success in the international market. The international market often fluctuates in value and a given asset or commodity val ued at a given price at a present time might be valued at a higher or lower price in the future due to the exchange rate factor (Manzur, Hoque, & Poitras 2010). In the currency option therefore, the product that is to be traded called a derivative is based on a universally acceptable instrument that